How the Web Can Help You Sell Your Book: July 16 Athena Isle Writers Speaker to Share Success Strategies
Want to learn how to publicize your book in the new millennium? Come to the July 16 Athena Isle Writers meeting in Second Life, when our guest speaker will be best-selling author and publicity coach Elizabeth Yarnell.
After being rejected by a stack of publishers, Elizabeth Yarnell independently published her best-selling, award-winning first book: Glorious One-Pot Meals: A new quick & healthy approach to Dutch oven cooking.
As a one-woman show, she knew it was up to her to make her book a success, so she learned how to be her own publicist, and landed everything from television appearances to stories in national magazines, prominent newspapers, and radio shows. Most recently, she has been focused on using social network marketing to get free publicity and prepare for her next book launch.
After selling more than 10,000 copies of Glorious One-Pot Meals, Elizabeth landed a New York agent and was picked up by Broadway Books, an imprint of Random House. Now she shares her publicity expertise through workshops, seminars, as a publicity coach, and on her Website "Recipes for Publicity: Cooking up strategies to get yourself noticed by the media and online communities."
Elizabeth will talk about her successful strategies at the Athena Isle Writers meeting at 12 noon SLT, Wednesday, July 16, at the Story Mountain Center for Writers on Athena Isle.
The meeting is free and open, and all SL residents who want to learn more about using online communities and social networking to generate publicity are encouraged to attend.
Upcoming Guests of Athena Isle Writers:
7-23-08: Janet and Greta Podleski, authors of Eat, Shrink & Be Merry
7-30-08: L.A. Banks, award-winning author of 10-book Vampire Huntress series
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